Privacy Notice for

Updated 9-2-2020

The data we collect about you

We collect information that is necessary to conduct our business, to provide the services you have requested and to keep you informed. We may also use the information you provide to communicate with you about our products and services. We may share your information with third parties in order to provide you with such services or where we are required to by law or have another legal basis to do so.

We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you which we have grouped together as follows:

Identity Data: including username or similar identifier.

Contact Data: including name, delivery address, email address, and telephone numbers.

How we use your personal data

We may use the above categories of personal information for the following purposes:

To verify your identity and enable you to access your or your organization’s products and services when you contact us or access our services.

To protect you from fraud and for fraud prevention and detection.

To provide commercial quotes to you, e.g., when you enquire about a product or service.

For statistical analysis (e.g. on the use of our websites).

To operate and improve our websites and services.

To notify you of any changes to our websites or our services and products which may affect you.

To provide you with technical and customer support.

To ask your opinion or feedback on our services or surveys.

To communicate information on other Stack Overflow products or services.

To enforce our legal rights or comply with legal requirements.

To provide improved website and product experience and communications informed by your product subscriptions and/or data collected.


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